Registrar General's Department Jobs in Jamaica

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Browse the latest Registrar General's Department Job vacancies and careers in Jamaica. Registrar General's Department is a company domicilied at Twickenham Park, Spanish Town, St Catherine, Jamaica . Like all companies in the Wedding Consultants sector, they often have job offers in Jamaica. You are looking for a job in Jamaica? This company will be pleased to contact you using JobInJam. Don’t forget to create a resume online on JobInJam

Registrar General's Department: Business details

The Registrar General's Department (RGD) is an Executive Agency and Jamaica’s sole repository of birth, death, marriage and fetal death records. The RGD is the only organiza tion in Jamaica which is responsible for registering vital events such as births, fetal deaths, marriages and deaths. RGD Agency is among the first four pilot entities which became Executive Agencies under the Government of Jamaica's Public Sector Modernization Project (PSMP).

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Registrar General's Department careers: Contact Informations

Registrar General's Department's phone numer is 876-749-0550.
This Jamaican company address is Twickenham Park, Spanish Town, St Catherine, Jamaica .
You can also contact them on social networks: Find a job